Recognition and certificate of equivalence
In Germany, school education is important for the professional future, because most companies expect their employees to have a certificate and professional qualifications.
Therefore you need a recognition of your school certificate in order to start your career in Germany. The responsibility for the recognition is held by the so-called certificate recognition offices. You can submit an application there. The certificate recognition office checks the equivalence of your school-leaving certificate with a German school-leaving certificate. If your school-leaving certificate is equivalent, you will receive a certificate of equivalence. You can find the responsible certificate recognition offices of the federal states of Germany in the anabin database of the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB).
Depending on the objective, a large number of different institutions in the federal states are responsible for the recognition of foreign qualifications. These institutions can ask the ZAB for an expert opinion in specific individual cases or for general information about the country in question and its education system. This information is also accessible via the ‘anabin’ database.
For holders of a foreign university degree, the ZAB issues an individual certificate assessment upon request. Above all, migrants who want to work in Germany can benefit from this service, as there is not a state recognition office for every professional qualification.
Holders of a foreign vocational qualification that corresponds to two years of school-based vocational training in Germany can have their equivalence confirmed. The notice of equivalence enables employers and employment agencies to correctly classify the foreign professional qualification and thus facilitates access to the labor market. Equivalence notices are issued by the federal state in which you plan to work. Some federal states have assigned this task to the ZAB.

What kind of service do we offer?
Your documents will be reviewed by our experts and then the most suitable application will be made for you. Depending on the result of the equivalence application, you will find the most suitable job for you.
One crucial requirement for this process is knowing the German language. We will assist you with our most experienced instructors so that you will reach the language level you need in a short period of time.
Our services:
- Advice and support in applying for legal residence during the visa process
- Preparation and translation of documents
- Assistance at the recognition of vocational qualifications
- Advice concerning everything about learning the German language
- Permanent successful integration in the qualified labor market
- Protection against dubious offers, labor exploitation and forms of dependency
Applying for equivalency is a long and tedious process that requires a lot of patience. If you would like to be accompanied in this process by a more professional and experienced team, the IBZ Dortmund is the right address for you.