For nurses

For nurses

The value and qualifications of a good nurse are often not sufficiently appreciated by patiens and society although taking care of people belongs to the most crucial jobs you can do in life.

The demographic change leads to the fact that more and more people depend on nursing services. However, without a sufficient number of nurses and without recognizing the skills of foreign workers, the chances to grant all people access to the most essential nursing services that everyone derserves become very low.

IBZ wants to achieve that this profession receives more appreciation and valuation from society and that people consider the positive aspects of this working field more frequently.

Our objective consists in finding and addressing professionals for hospitals and nursing homes. We want to recruit employees for German instutions and pepare them for living in Germany. In particular, we are looking for

  • Graduates from vocational schools with a focus on medical professions
  • Graduates from colleges and universities

We take different approaches and offer different services. For instance, we cooperate with such insitutions that focus on medical education, conduct interviews, place advertisement and we support institutions in selecting personnel.


Our services

  • Counselling and support concerning legal stays in Germany during the visa process
  • Preparation of integration
  • Counselling concerning all aspects of learning German
  • successful integration of workers in the qualified labor market
  • recognition of professional skills
  • successful integration in the education system
  • protection against dubious offers, labor exploitation and forms of dependency
  • Accommodation
Deutschkurse in Dortmund

Platzgarantie für Prüfungen