Module A2.1

Module A2.1 Basic Language Skills for Advanced Beginners

  • 90 units of 45 minutes
  • 22 lessons per week
  • 4 Weeks
  • Mo – Fri
  • Certificate of attendance
  • Focus on basic vocabulary and basic structures for advanced beginners

Modul A2.1

In A2.1 we will deal with new topics of your daily life: How to talk about studying in Germany. How are the academic subjects called? How do you talk about money and what kind of conversation do you have in a bank? How do you describe the weather and the climate? How do you talk about your favorite movies or favorite music. How do you order a taxi or a pizza? How to complain? How do you describe a person’s appearance and character? When it comes to grammar, too, we will deal with more difficult topics: How to talk about reasons and consequences. What is the genitive? When do you use “dass” clauses and when do you need „zu + infinitive“? You will learn this and much more in A2.1.

Deutschkurse in Dortmund

Platzgarantie für Prüfungen