telc Deutsch B2

telc Deutsch B2


  • Deutschkenttnisse auf fortgeschnittenem Niveau
  • Mündlich Prüfung
  • Schriftliche Prüfung
  • Auswertung in 4-6 Wochen
  • Online-Anmeldung

telc Deutsch B2 

The telc German B2 exam certifies that you can express yourself clearly and in detail, that you can argue and negotiate and that you have a relatively large vocabulary on common topics. It also shows that you have a good command of grammar. According to the Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen, the can-do descriptions at level B2 indicate that you can understand the main content of complex texts and abstract topics. You should be able to engage in a conversation spontaneously and fluently. A conversation with native speakers, for example, should be possible without major problems. You should be able to express yourself and present a point of view on well-known topics and current issues. You should also be able to follow a specialist discussion in your specialist area.

Where can I take a telc exam?

You can take all telc exams at the IBZ Dortmund.

What is the structure of the examination?

The exam consists of a written and an oral part. The written exam lasts 2 hours and 20 minutes. You have 20 minutes to prepare for the oral exam. The oral exam can take place on the day of the written exam or on another day.

Written examination

Reading Comprehension

Language Elements (vocabulary and grammar)

90 Min

max. 75 Points

max. 30 Points

Listening Comprehension

20 Min

max. 75 Points


30 Min

max. 45 Points

Oral Examination

usually together with up to three other candidates

15 Min

max. 75 Points

How does the oral exam work?

The oral exam consists of four parts. In the first part, the participants should introduce themselves and establish initial contact. You can talk about how long you have been in Germany, why you are learning German, or about your interests and hobbies. This part will not be graded. The second part should then be about a specific topic, such as a film, a book, a trip or an event that you were part of. After that, the interlocutor should ask one or two questions about the speech. This part is always the same and can be prepared in advance. In the third part you should then discuss the content of a text with your partner. You may express your own experiences and opinions and formulate arguments. They can end up reaching a mutual solution with their interlocutor come. Finally, in the fourth part, you should plan something together with your partner. For example, you could organize and plan a holiday program, a trip or an excursion.

Oral Exam telc Deutsch B2

1. Part

Get to know each other

approx. 1 Min. 

2. Part

Talk about experiences

approx. 5 Min. 

max. 15 Points

3. Part

Discuss a text

approx. 5 Min. 

max. 30 Points

4. Part

Plan something together

C approx a. 5 Min.

max. 30 Points

What score is enough to pass the exam?

In order to pass the exam, 60% of the possible maximum number of points must be achieved in both the written and the oral exam, i.e. at least 135 points in the written and 45 points in the oral exam.

The grade is then calculated according to the following key: The overall result is calculated by adding the partial results and leads to the following rating:

270 –300 Punkte

sehr gut

240–269,5 Punkte


210–239,5 Punkte


180–209,5 Punkte


0–179,5 Punkte

nicht bestanden 

How do I prepare for the exam?

 IBZ Dortmund offers intensive courses and exam preparation courses for telc Deutsch B2.

May I use a dictionary during telc Deutsch B2?


How much does the exam cost?

The telc German B2 exam costs €170.

Can I repeat the examination?

Yes, as often as you wish. If you have failed just the oral exam or just the written exam, you do not need to take the whole examination again. You will find details on this under § 5 of the examination regulations.7

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